Wednesday, August 18, 2004

Decisions, Decisions

I've been doing alot of thinking about bad decisions lately. What I've come up with is that whether a decision is "bad" greatly depends upon perspective. And perspective depends upon time and evolution of the consequences from the decision. As time passes a decision can change from bad to good to caca all over again.

One of the things I've been battling is hindsight. If I had just done this, or if I had not done that, my life would have been different. The truth is you never know what will happen.

I read a book many years ago, about time travel. In the book the main characters go back in time to change events, however they had to keep trying again and again because one of the main themes in the story is that time resists change. I guess you have to lean toward the fate theory. Not that I believe that everything has been predetermined. If that is the case then why even get up in the morning. Heck, if the kids were destined to get to school on time then they'll find a way. They are six years old after all, it's time they learned some responsibility..., and how to drive a stick.

Seriously, I really can drive myself crazy second guessing everything I've done in the past ten years. Like I've said before what really counts is what I'm doing now. I think everything happens for a reason, even the bad things. It just may take time for it to all make sense.


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