Sunday, September 05, 2004

Cold Water

There are times when I can deal with this unemployment situation pretty well. Then there are times I don't. Lately, during those darker times I find myself here, trying to put it all down, then stepping back and attempting to figure it all out. Tonight's one of those nights.

I could tell something was bothering my six year old daughter tonight just before bedtime. She wouldn't tell me what was wrong. Later, my wife told me that the child had asked her "When will daddy get a job?" She told her mom she was worried about losing her home, or having to move. My wife and I have not discussed this possibility in front of the children. I can only assume that she thought of this herself. She's pretty smart.

A six year old shouldn't have to worry about things like that. How do I reassure her? How do I explain the economy to her? How do I explain the importance of family health insurance? How can I show her the hundreds of resumes I've sent out, or positions I've applied for.

How can I give her back a sense of security?

I know there are worse things that can happen. We have been blessed in so many ways, not the least with family, and good health. I know that in the morning I'll have my head up. I'll put on a positive front, and try to dispel everyone's fears. You focus on one day at a time, and tomorrow will be a good day. In the mean time I won't be sleeping tonight. Too much running through my head.

Keeping the faith is sometime harder than others.


Blogger Mike said...

Man, that is a tough one. The kids always seem to know more than we realize. Here's hoping that 6 figure salary is right around the corner...

6:06 PM  

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