Tuesday, September 07, 2004

My new Resume Cover Letter

I was surfing one of the major Job boards last night, and came across a position posting that I had applied for last month. It seems that it is still open.

Well, I figured I had nothing to lose, so I reapplied for the position. However, this time I changed my cover letter just a little. And, since I was ignored the first time, I decided to forgo the political correctness, and cut straight to the chase.

Let me know what you think....

Hire me!

You want to know why I'm a great fit for this position?

I've successfully done this same job at _______ Insurance Co. During that time four of the five agents my office supported made Presidents club their first full year of operation. The reason the forth agent didn't make it, was that he would rather spend his time playing golf instead of doing his job.

He is not with the company anymore!

You want to know what motivates me?

I've got three daughters that can outgrow clothes faster than I can buy them.
Yes, I am looking for a job that challenges me.
Yes, I am looking to be an important part of a successful team.

These are important factors my job performance, but when the rubber meets the road, I've got a family to take care of. And, I will work my tail off for a company that offers me stability in an environment where I won't have to face a lay off with in a year or two.

Call me regarding this position.

So what do you think?

To quote the great actor, Roddy Piper, in the classic John Carpenter movie, THEY LIVE;

"I am here to chew bubble gum and kick @$$, and I'm all out of bubble gum."

Keeping the faith....... (one way or another.)


Blogger Rick said...

nice site, and great post. send it in - and if it works, market your cover letter to the masses.

or i've got gum, if that's all you need.

5:58 AM  

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