Tuesday, September 21, 2004

Why I keep the faith

There is one issue I have flirted with in my postings, but never really opened up about. That is religion. I’ve visited some really good sites posted by ministers, churches, and those trying to reach out and share their faith with others. I admire their dedication. I’ve been a member of the church all my life. My background; or I should say my Father’s faith was very Conservative Christian. Over the years my beliefs have become more progressive than his’. At this point in my life I can’t say that my faith is the only one that counts. There are too many good people that go to different churches than I do. I’ve seen the amazing things they have done in the name of their faith, and I have been humbled.

I wish that I had the fervor to evangelize, or the selflessness to spend more time with those in need. It seems that these days it takes everything I’ve got just to be a decent human being. I keep thinking if I spent more time helping others, God would see me through hardships, but with job layoffs in recent years my focus has been seeing my own family through troubled times. In some ways that still sounds like a big excuse. I guess that is where faith comes in. I know there are other families that have far worse trials to deal with. I know that God is with my family, and He does hear my prayers. I just may not get the answers I want, or when I want them.

I can’t crank out a post and testify how God answered all my needs, or how he made everything better. I can’t because I’m in the middle of it all right now. I do think he is helping me become a man of faith, and I do believe my family is not in this alone right now. I still have a lot of pride to deal with, and I screw up a lot, but I’m working on that.

In the end, everything we have, everything we can earn, or hold can still be taken away. It is our hope that always stays with us.
It is the belief in Gods unseen benevolence and love, during hardship.

It’s keeping the faith.

I didn't meant to turn anyone off, it's just how I work through things.


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